
The tournament of your dreams

Since 1992

The Donosti Cup is the biggest international grassroots football tournament in Spain, and one of the most prestigious in the world, with more than 800 teams from 20 countries participating in each edition.

Immerse yourself in a unique experience with the Donosti Cup

The Donosti Cup is much more than a sporting event: it is an experience that unites people from all over the world around the passion for football, creating memories and friendships that last forever. Join us and be part of this incomparable football adventure!

With a participation of more than 10,000 teams and 150,000 players from 70 different countries, we have held more than 20,000 football matches. Since its foundation in 1992 by Iñigo Olaizola, director of Donosti Eventos, our commitment has been to organise a unique experience for all participants.

During the year, our team is made up of five people, but during the tournament, that family grows to more than 500 employees. In addition to the Donosti Cup, we manage other events: the Donosti Masters Cup, a tournament for veterans, the Carrera de Empresas, the Clásica 15k and the San Sebastián Marathon. We have also organised numerous events for public and private entities.

The founder and CEO of Donosti Eventos, Iñigo Olaizola, a sports enthusiast since his youth, has managed renowned events such as the European and World Veterans Athletics Championships, as well as the Centenary of the Real Sociedad. 

Our mission

To facilitate the integral development of young people through football, instilling values that transcend the playing field and contribute to a fairer society. 

Our Vision

To be recognised as a leading international tournament in the development of sporting talent and individuals committed to sportsmanship, healthy habits, equality, inclusion, solidarity and sustainability.

Our values

  • Sportsmanship: We promote sportsmanship, fair play and camaraderie.
  • Healthy habits: We promote active and healthy lifestyles among participants and the community.
  • Gender equality: We work to ensure equal rights and opportunities in all dimensions of the tournament.
  • Social inclusion: We create an inclusive space for all, regardless of abilities or characteristics.
  • Solidarity: We support projects that use football as an engine of change to improve lives in vulnerable situations.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to promoting environmentally friendly practices and raising awareness among young people about their role in global sustainability.

Letter from the director

In the first edition we were expecting more than 100 teams from half the world but we only had 32 teams and most of them were from San Sebastian. That small "failure" taught me that houses should not be started from the roof. The Donosti Cup became at that moment a personal challenge and during all these years it has been like a son that I have seen grow up, with its good and not so good moments, with a lot of difficult situations, but above all with a lot of satisfactions. 

It is an honour to preside over the Donosti Cup and I trust and hope that for many years to come we will continue to make the dreams of so many young boys and girls who have participated and who will participate in our tournament come true. Our main signs of identity are the effort, the demand, the close treatment and above all, the passion for football. 

If you have not participated in the Donosti Cup, I certainly encourage you to do so. It can be an experience of a lifetime.

We are waiting for you!

Iñigo Olaizola, Founder and CEO


From its modest beginnings in August 1992 with 32 teams, the Donosti Cup has evolved to become the biggest grassroots football tournament in Spain and one of the most prestigious in the world.

The first edition, held between 11 and 15 August 1992, featured 32 teams from Spain, France and Italy, marking the first steps of a tournament destined to grow. Founded by Iñigo Olaizola, director of Donosti Eventos, the tournament became a personal challenge that has endured over the years.

As the Donosti Cup matured, so did its international relevance. In 1994, the women's category was introduced and the borders were extended with the participation of American and Asian teams. In its fifth edition, the tournament hosted 100 teams, marking a milestone in its evolution.

The social commitment of the Donosti Cup was consolidated with the UNICEF National Sports Award in 2008. The foundation of the tournament has allowed more than 50 teams without resources to participate, covering all their expenses. In 2009, Iñigo Olaizola received the Golden Drum on behalf of the Donosti Cup for his contribution to the promotion of tourism in San Sebastian.

In recent decades, the Donosti Cup has broken participation records, attracting teams from all over the world. With more than 865 teams registered and the participation of 150,000 players from 70 countries, the tournament celebrates diversity and passion for football.

Contact with us

¿En qué podemos ayudarte?

Información básica sobre protección de datos

ResponsableDONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP (CIF B20685152)
  1. Gestión de la relación comercial y/o administrativa de los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables en el Torneo DONOSTI CUP.
  2. Gestionar la facturación y el cobro de los productos o servicios solicitados por los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables en el Torneo DONOSTI CUP.
  3. Gestionar el aseguramiento de la cobertura médica de los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables en el Torneo durante la competición.
  4. Gestionar el control de edad de los jugadores en el Torneo DONOSTI CUP mediante la comprobación de sus DNI o pasaportes a fin de verificar que tienen una edad comprendida entre los 10 y los 18 años.
  5. Gestionar la elaboración de los menús de los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables en el Torneo, así como la elaboración de los menús especiales en caso de intolerancias alimentarias o alergias y/o por motivos religiosos.
  6. Gestionar la reserva de los alojamientos para los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables durante el Torneo.
  7. Gestionar la elaboración y publicación de las actas de los partidos.
  8. Publicar o difundir en nuestro Portal Web y APP la composición de integrantes de los equipos con sus nombres y apellidos, información de los goleadores e información sobre tarjetas y sanciones a jugadores y entrenadores.
  9. Gestionar las solicitudes o peticiones realizadas a través del formulario de contacto o de registro del Portal Web.
  10. Publicar o difundir en nuestro Portal Web y APP, así como en Televisiones Públicas o Privadas, Redes Sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) y Canales de Comunicación (Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.), las fotografías y vídeos tomados durante la celebración de los partidos y/o eventos del Torneo DONOSTI CUP en los que aparezcan, individualmente o en grupo, los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables.
  11. Mantener informados de los productos y servicios, novedades, eventos y otros contenidos de interés relacionados con el Torneo DONOSTI CUP a los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables.
LegitimaciónPropio interesado.
Titular de la patria potestad o tutoría.
DestinatariosNo se cederán datos a terceros, salvo en caso de obligación legal o requerimiento judicial y en los supuestos señalados en el punto 7 de la política de protección de datos que figura en nuestro Portal Web.
Transferencias internacionalesNo se han identificado transferencias internacionales.
Supresión o derecho al olvido.
Limitación del tratamiento.
Oposición a ser objeto de decisiones individuales automatizadas.
Información adicionalPuede solicitar información adicional o detallada en:
Avenida Madrid, 34-Bajo, 20011 Donostia-San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)
Tel.: 943 466 666
E-mail Delegado de Protección de Datos:
El/la solicitante consiente de forma expresa e inequívoca los tratamientos de datos personales descritos bajo los puntos 1) a 9), acepta el resto de la política de protección de datos del Responsable del Tratamiento y manifiesta, bajo su responsabilidad, contar con la autorización de los titulares de la patria potestad o tutoría de los menores de 18 años para realizar la inscripción de éstos en el Torneo DONOSTI CUP. En caso de no contar con dicha autorización, le facilitamos el documento para obtenerla, rogándole que nos remita el documento cumplimentado y firmado por los titulares de la patria potestad o tutoría al e-mail
El/la solicitante consiente la publicación o difusión en nuestro Portal Web y APP, así como en Televisiones Públicas o Privadas, Redes Sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) y Canales de Comunicación (Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.) de fotografías y vídeos tomados durante la celebración de los partidos y/o eventos del Torneo DONOSTI CUP en los que aparezcan, individualmente o en grupo, los jugadores y entrenadores o responsables.
El/la solicitante consiente el envío de comunicaciones comerciales relacionados con productos y servicios, novedades, eventos y otros contenidos de interés relacionados con el Torneo DONOSTI CUP.

Official sponsors

rural kutxa Joma Alfa Laval veo Carza quazzar

Institutional partners

Euskadi Basque Country Muy Gipuzkoa Sostenibildad Donostiako Udala Donostia Turismo CSD DEPORTE JOVEN UNVIERSO MUJER

Official collaborators

El Diario Vasco Real Sociedad Orona Coca Cola Insalus Ficoba Ausolan MONGO