Legal notice
1. Legal Notice:
TIN: B20685152
Address: Mikeletegi 1, 20009 Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa
Telephone: 943 466 666
Business Registry Information: Registered in the Business Registry of Guipúzcoa in Volume 1802, Page 29, Sheet 17086, 2nd Registration in the Company Book.
2. General conditions for use of the website
DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP notifies you that accessing or using the website at and all subdomains and directories included within it (hereinafter jointly referred to as the Website), in addition to the services or content that may be obtained through the Website, are subject to the terms set forth in this legal notice, without prejudice to that accessing some services or content may require the acceptance of certain general conditions.
To those ends, if you do not agree with the terms set forth in this Legal Notice DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP requests that you do not use the Website, because using the services or content provided by the Website implies acceptance of the terms set forth in this document.
Given the nature of the internet the Website can be accessed from anywhere in the world, consequently the content on it and the services provided generally by DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP are intended for users operating in any country. The previous notwithstanding, by using the services and content provided DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP reserves the right to refuse to provide services or send content in the event it so wishes. Likewise, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP reserves the right to refuse or remove access to its Website at any time without prior notice for any user who violates these General Conditions.
DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP reserves the right to modify or update the information contained in the Website, its configuration or presentation and the access conditions for it at any time without prior notice. The content and services on the Website are updated periodically. Because updates of information are not immediate, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP recommends that you always verify the accuracy and applicability of the information, services and content on the Website.
The terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice are subject to change. Consequently DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP recommends that you review these terms every time you visit the Website. Likewise, this Legal Notice will be understood without prejudice to any other general conditions.
DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP cannot control or guarantee the absence of virus or other elements that may cause alterations to electronic documents or files stored in your operating system when accessing the Website. Consequently, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP assumes no liability for damages of any kind that may arise as a result of Users using the Website and the content or services provided on it.
DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors with access to the Website or that the Website content is up to date. As long as there are no reasons that make it difficult or impossible and as soon as they become aware of the errors, disconnection or out of date content, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP may perform any action to fix errors, re-establish the connection and update content and they assume no liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the Website and its services or content.
3. Intellectual Property Rights
The design and source code of the Website and any logos, brands and other distinctive signs appearing on it are owned by DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP or collaborating or sponsoring entities and they are protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights. The images, logos and melodies, etc. contained on the server of DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP are also protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights.
The use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any similar or analogous activity is expressly prohibited unless DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP has given explicit written permission. Users of the Website must use the website in a careful, proper and legal way and promise to not delete, bypass or manipulate the copyright, brands or other identifying information of the rights of DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP included in the content or products sold on the Website. And not use any content, in particular, information gathered by DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP though their Website, to send publicity, communications for direct sales purposes or for any other commercial purposes or unsolicited messages to multiple individuals. And not reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access via any means of public communication, transform or modify the content, without permission of the owner of the corresponding rights or unless it is legally permitted. And, in general, not use the content in a way or for purposes that are against the law, immoral, offend generally accepted good manners or to the detriment of public order.
In any case, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP states its recognition of the intellectual property rights of third parties. If you believe that this website may be infringing your rights, please contact DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP at the following email address:
4. Links and hyperlinks
DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP provides access to other websites it believes you may be interested in. Nevertheless, those websites do not belong to DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP and they do not review the content on them. Consequently, they cannot claim liability for them, the functionality of any site linked to or any potential damages that may arise as a result of accessing or using those websites. Likewise, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP fully recognizes the intellectual property rights that may belong to them or third parties in regards to the websites referred to by the links mentioned previously. For that reason, if you believe that the presence of any of the aforementioned links may be infringing your rights please contact DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP at the following email address:
Conversely, links to the Website or email addresses is generally authorized, except to the ones for which DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP expressly indicates the opposite. In addition, and in every case to recognize the applicability of the aforementioned general authorization, the following condition must apply: The creation of a link will not in and of itself, and necessarily, constitute any kind of agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation by DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP of the website where the link is made.
Regardless of the above-mentioned, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP may remove the authorization granted in the previous paragraph without having to allege any reason and may, consequently, have the aforementioned link removed.
5. Frames
DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP expressly prohibits “framing”, or third party use of any other mechanism that alters the design, original configuration or content of its Website.
6. Advertising
Advertising for DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP or advertising partners that DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP believes you may be interested in can be inserted on the Website
Without prejudice to the Privacy Policy, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP has permission from advertisers to provide their contact information to users of the Website. At the same time, DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP pledges to not provide information belonging to users of the Website to advertisers unless a user or specific users of the Website expressly authorize it in writing.
7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These conditions are governed by Spanish law, which will be applicable in regards to anything not present herein in regards to interpretation, validity and execution. DONOSTI EVENTOS, S.L. / DONOSTI CUP and the user submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, Spain and waive their rights to any other legal jurisdiction.