Own accommodations

Own accommodations

120 € per person

Those teams who want to book another type of accommodation like a camping, cottage, or other hotels out of the organization, they have to pay the participation fee per person besides the entry fee per team.

The fee includes the package of services for the Donosti Cup: injuries insurance, guide-escort, entrance to the Opening Ceremony and to the Finals, to the Donosti Cup Party, Player credential, discount on tourist attractions, organisation expenses and 10% TVA.

Allogi a il vostro proprio

43.322422, -1.983889

Alojamiento en seu própio

43.322422, -1.983889

Logements en dehors de Donosti Cup

43.322422, -1.983889

Own accommodations

43.322422, -1.983889

Official sponsors

rural kutxa Joma Alfa Laval veo Carza quazzar

Institutional partners

Euskadi Basque Country Muy Gipuzkoa Sostenibildad Donostiako Udala Donostia Turismo CSD DEPORTE JOVEN UNVIERSO MUJER

Official collaborators

El Diario Vasco Real Sociedad Orona Coca Cola Insalus Ficoba Ausolan EMERBASK