
400 teams’ barrier broken!!!

The USA, with 77 teams, leads the ranking of foreign countries. Eleven teams will come from Japan.

29 de April de 2022

Only two months for the 30th anniversary of the 2022 Donosti Cup, and the barrier of 400 teams has been beaten. At this moment, there are 425 teams confirmed. In addition, as usual, in May we will open the registration period for local teams that will not miss their appointment with the Donosti Cup.

The ranking of foreign countries is led by the United States with a total of 77 teams. In the second position, is France with 33 teams. And in the third position is Japan, which has 11 teams already confirmed.

The rest of foreign countries with representation in the next Donosti Cup will be Portugal, Andorra, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Brazil, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Nigeria.

As for the national teams, today we have 268 registered. The 3 communities that will have the most representation are Madrid, Catalonia and Baleares.

Per categories, the most popular by now is the B14 with 58 teams, followed by the B12 with 57 teams and the B13 with 47 teams. For the girls, the most popular by now are the G17 and G14 with 27 and 21 teams each.

We welcome all the teams to the 30th anniversary of the 2022 Donosti Cup!!!


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