The Donosti Cup 2025 beats 300 teams registered in just two months

The 33rd edition of the grassroots soccer tournament reaffirms its international spirit

19 de November de 2024

Barely two months after opening the registration period, the Donosti Cup 2025 already has 302 registered teams, with a significant international representation. Teams from 13 different countries have confirmed their participation: Australia, Canada, USA, Spain, France, Ghana, Greece, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru and Sweden.

A relevant fact is the remarkable parity between international and national teams: 144 foreign teams compared to 158 Spanish teams. The United States leads the international representation with 75 teams registered, followed by France and Mexico.

The organizers underline the great demand for this 33rd edition, which will be held from July 7 to 13, 2025 in San Sebastian. Given the limited number of places and the growing interest, they encourage teams wishing to participate to formalize their registration as soon as possible to guarantee their place in the tournament.


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