
More than 200 teams from 14 different countries are already registered at the 30th anniversary of the Donosti Cup

The 30th anniversary of the Donosti Cup is awakening a great interest and as of today has already surpassed the barrier of 200 teams, 30% more than last year at this time. 

By countries, the United States is once again the most represented foreign country with a total of 64 teams from 14 different states. It is followed by France with 14 teams and Mexico with 6. The other countries represented are Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Belgium, England, Japan, Palestine, Bolivia, Peru and Kenya.

From Spain, 120 teams are registered, a figure much higher than usual at this time of the year. The 3 communities with the largest representation are Catalonia with 60 teams, Madrid with 50 and Castilla La Mancha with 8 teams.

By categories, the most popular so far is B14 with 32 teams, followed by B13 with 28 teams and B12 with 24 teams. In girls, the most popular so far is the G14 with 16 teams, followed by the G16 with 14, and the G12 with 10 teams.

We want to outline that 80% of the registered clubs have already participated in the Donosti Cup, which shows that there is a great desire to celebrate together the 30th anniversary of the tournament.
There are also many interested clubs that intend to register before the end of the year.

Welcome to the 30th anniversary of the Donosti Cup!

14 de December de 2021

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