The Top Teams Sports Club is going to participate in the Donosti Cup for the very first time with teams from Catalunya and Andorra
They are going to be the biggest group of this edition and they are going to participate with teams from Barcelona, Lleida, Tarragona, Terres Ebres and Andorra.
Even if the deadline of entries for the 2021 Donosti Cup is already closed, we keep announcing the participation of clubs in the next edition.
This time is the Top Teams Sports Club that have registered teams from four Catalan territories, -Barcelona, Lleida, Tarragona and Terres Ebres-, and with some tems from Andorra, which is coming to the Donosti Cup for the very first time.
They will have a wide representation in all the boys’ categories and in four girls’ categories.
The organizer of this big group is Genís Guixé, and the sports directors Cristian Olivart and Enric Barri.
From the Donosti Cup, we give them a warm welcome to the tournament and we wish them good luck in their first participation.