Once ideal masculino

Meet the ideal men's XI of the Donosti Cup 2021!

Players from Catalonia are in the majority on this occasion, which also includes players from Valencia, Madrid, France or Gipuzkoa.

25 de January de 2022

Once again the Donosti Cup presents its Ideal XI, usually formed among the players who reached the finals with their teams.

On this occasion, the Ideal XI has a strong base of Catalan players, but also a player from Madrid, another from Valencia, a player from Gipuzkoa and a French player are on the list.

The young Juan Carlos Melgar was named best goalkeeper of the tournament. 

Closing in defense of 3, have been included Ibrahim Cisse, Sergi Mayans (MVP B12 with Catalonia Warriors) and Iker Adell.

For the midfield the most outstanding were Pedro Juarez and Max Lopez (MVP B16 with CTB) as central midfielders and attacking midfielder line with Roc Martinez, Johann Oriol Leiva (MVP B10 with Set11 Catalunya) and Oihan Rubio.

As best forwards are again Hugo Humanes (MVP B14 with PA Team Academy and member of the ideal eleven also in 2019) and Guiu Xucla (MVP B11 with Condals Kids).

The ideal eleven, as every year, has a very important level. To highlight some data Juan Carlos Melgar and Sergi Mayans, who in the Donosti Cup represented Catalonia Warriors B12; Roc Martinez of Set11 B11 and Guiu Xuclá of Condal Kids; they all play during the year in the Alevines of FC Barcelona (U12 teams). Melgar was already named best goalkeeper of the Liga Promises this year with the FC Barcelona. In the prebenjamin of FC Barcelona (U7) plays Pedro Juarez with 7 years old and the Argentinean already hogs the spotlight of the Masía where he came from Atletico Sant Just, with whom he played with the B10 in the tournament. In the benjamin blaugrana (U9) we also find the promising midfielder Johan Oriol Leiva. 

Hugo Humanes is this year's striker of Cadete B of Real Madrid (U15), a club he joined with 7 years. In addition, Hugo repeats in the ideal 11 as he also figured as striker of the 2019 edition. Iker Barbero Adell, was one of the most outstanding of the Terras del Ebre Academy, Ibrahim Cisse played with Cap Jeunes in category B25 and in Antiguoko B12 we find the winger Ohian Rubio who plays in the U12 team.

Congratulations for being part of the ideal eleven of the Donosti Cup 2021!


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