
Pioneering Positive Impact: Five Inspiring Stories

This year, in partnership with Alfa Laval and its Pioneering Positive Impact campaign, we are highlighting the stories of five protagonists promoting a better world.

27 de May de 2024

From the remote village of Jharkhand, India, Seema Kumari forged her way to Harvard University through the Yuwa NGO program, playing in the Donosti Cup as part of the process. Her story is a beacon of hope for many girls who, like her, dream of a future beyond the limitations imposed by society. She is now at Harvard and advocates for women's financial independence as a means to reduce gender inequality and other social injustices.




Mireia Becerra, a soccer player and biomedical engineer, is a living example that women can excel in the field just as much as in the lab. Her work in developing innovative medical solutions demonstrates that gender does not define the boundaries of success in the STEM field. Mireia challenges stereotypes and promotes a culture of equality and excellence in science and technology.




Udane Olaziregi, a 2015 Donosti Cup finalist, embarked on a journey towards sustainability through a PhD focused on polymer technologies. Her work in developing sustainable materials and technologies is a testament to the power of science to address environmental challenges. Udane seeks to minimize the environmental impact of the transportation industry and improve the well-being of society and the environment in general.




Mikel Fiz Garmendia and Sergio Berne Ortin, players on Real Sociedad's inclusive team, are examples of how sports drive social inclusion. Their commitment to respect and collaboration on and off the field inspires others to overcome barriers and work together toward a common goal.


sergio y mikel


Known for his work in Basque gastronomy, Peio Garcia extended his humanitarian work by founding the NGO Zaporeak, providing aid to thousands of refugees in Lesbos. His commitment to justice and solidarity is a reminder of the importance of acting in the face of humanitarian crises and working for a more just and equitable world.




Alfa Laval is a leader in technological innovation and is working to lead the way to a more equitable, sustainable, and inclusive world. Its commitment to positive change inspires others to join in this mission of global transformation. Through collaboration with partners like Alfa Laval, we are writing the future, where every action counts and every step brings us closer to a better world for all.


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Euskadi Basque Country Muy Gipuzkoa Sostenibildad Donostiako Udala Donostia Turismo CSD DEPORTE JOVEN UNVIERSO MUJER

Official collaborators

El Diario Vasco Real Sociedad Orona Coca Cola Insalus Ficoba Ausolan MONGO