Teams from 15 countries have already confirmed their participation in the 2020 Donosti Cup
In just over 2 months, teams from 15 different countries have already confirmed their participation in the Donosti Cup. As usual in these months, most of registered teams come from America. In fact, American teams represent 6 different countries: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Brazil and Chile.
Asia is another continent where teams usually organize their participation in advance and by now, teams from 3 countries have confirmed their participation: China, Japan and Palestine.
In Europe, clubs usually begin to register their teams a bit later although many teams from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal have already confirmed their participation.
From Africa, 2 teams from Tunisia have signed up, and from Oceania, we have received the registration of 1 team from Australia.
Registration rate has increased notably this month, and soon the 200 teams’ barrier will be beaten.
United States continues leading countries ranking for another year with 70 teams confirmed, very close to break again the record of participation of last edition. The second foreign country at the moment would be France, which already has 25 teams. And the third country with the greatest representation by now would be Japan, with 5 teams confirmed.
We want to give a warm welcome to all the registered teams to the 2020 Donosti Cup and we encourage to the interested teams to come and live the Donosti Cup experience.