Check the winners' list of the Donosti Cup 2024
More than 900 teams participated in the 32nd edition of the tournament, where sixteen teams were crowned champions in an atmosphere of fair play and passion for the sport.
The Donosti Cup 2024 has come to an end, with the Reale Arena and Real Sociedad's Zubieta as the main venues for the exciting finals. Teams from all over the world competed in the 11-a-side and 8-a-side categories, while the consolation finals took place in Matigoxotegi and Martutene.
Among the champions were three Basque teams (two from Antiguoko KE and Añorga KKE), five teams from Madrid (Olympia Las Rozas, CSF Team, AR Javi Torres, Garso Academy and Aravaca Soccer) and eight Catalan teams (two from Set11 Esports, two from BCN Junior Team, Brain Football, Top Tec Academy and two from Futfem Talents). Among the runners-up, the diversity is greater, with representatives from the United States (SoCal Select) and Portugal (Sporting Clube Portugal and SL Benfica), demonstrating the international nature of the tournament.
In the Europa League, the champion teams were Oiartzun KE, Mexico United, Futbolfem, Encinitas Express, ASD Pro Ragusa, Ultimate Madrid, Villabona FC, Galactic Soccer, Aika Sport, SL Benfica, Total Soccer, Igeltegi A, Set11 Esports, Sanse CD, LSA Academy and International Soccer Promises.
In addition, sportsmanship was awarded with the G12 team of Tolosa KE obtaining the main recognition, followed by Barça Academy B9 and Aika Sport B10.
For the highlights captured by Quiero Mis Fotos and to see the complete list of winners of the Donosti Cup 2024, visit the following links.