
Relive the 32nd edition of the Donosti Cup with this video

After an exciting week, the Donosti Cup 2024 ended last Sunday crowning its champions.

10 de July de 2024

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to summarize in images everything that has happened during the Donosti Cup 2024. In this video we have tried to collect some of the highlights of this last edition. 

From the arrival of the teams and the handing over of accreditations, to the finals held on Sunday at the Reale Arena, including the Opening Ceremony, the Authentics Day, the reception at the General Assembly, the coaches' match, the Donosti Cup Party, or the Closing Gala. 

The video also includes images of the atmosphere in the Fan Zone, in the Eurocup matches broadcast live, or in the "Donosti Cup Topagunea" installed in front of the San Sebastian City Hall.

And there are also images of the teams in their lodgings, in the dining room, and sightseeing in different corners of our environment.

This edition will go down in history for having premiered the song "Hoy apuntamos al cielo" (Today we aim for the sky), for awarding a work of Eduardo Chillida to the most sporting team of the tournament, for having broadcasted nearly 800 matches live, and for having had a ball and boots designed exclusively for the Donosti Cup.

We hope this video brings back good memories of a week that has once again shown that soccer is capable of generating unforgettable moments.


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